Sunday, May 24, 2009


nips xi is about peoples differences at school like where they are from how they look how they talk and all those kinds of things i dont realy like this book. i like book that are more funny and more intresting. i like to imagine what the chrachters are doing i like to picture there advertures. I personaly dont recomend this book to enyone because it boaring

Saturday, May 23, 2009


(nine o'oclock .)thats when she have to be at home . her dad thinks its noy safe any later.

its about a girl called ellie ,she was sitting with her friends in macdonalds were they usually sit after school ,However, Ellie spots a boy sketching her, though she wonders if he is actually sketching Nadine and Magda ,as they are the two most of the boys go for,But it turns out he is drawing Ellie, so Magda prompts her to sketch him too, calling it "Even Stevens.but she wasnt sure if a guy like russel will stay interested in girl who has to be home by nine ...they met several times after this ,they once went to park and started talking , ellie realises that its way past 9 . they next shes grounded , she coundnt go to macdonads were thet decided to go . she waited until her dad left , she went . she waited hours but russell didnt show up so she thought his no more interester in her she was so upsit . However, Russell's dad was so angry with him for being late back to his own home .that he has grounded Russell.The rest of the story results in Russell finding Ellie and their romance is rekindled.its an interesting novel were it talks about some things girls might face in thier live . i recomend this story for girls ,in the of 12-14 !!


Nips XI is about a young boy called Lan who instead of dancing and eating multicultural food for multicultural week, wants to play a game of cricket to be the same, not different. But everyone thinks Nips can't play cricket. Lan has to face many obstacles like finding a cricket coach, a way to pay their cricket coach, finding some cricket equipment and where to play the match of cricket. The greatest obstacle is the team can't play cricket.

for me , what i liked the most in this book is that the author has a way of making the story real life like, because she is good at describing everything so you feel as though you are actually there. Also when she finishes each chapter she has a way of writing it, so you always want to read onto the next chapter.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This book is talking about differences in school example: where are you from, what kind of games are you playing ect... there is a boy called Lan who want to from a cricket team eveyone laughs at him because he is Asian but he doesnt care he still wants to make it.

I am at half of the book now in. When i read the 20 firt pages i didnt really liked it but now this getting nice. I usually read real stories i don,I don't like fantasy and all kind of this like that soo this book is really nice now can't wait to finish it ! This book is written by Ruth Starke

Saturday, May 16, 2009


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